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"Why am I getting grey hair?"

Grey hair is the #1 complaint we get in the salon. No one likes it. and it seems like, especially in women, it shows up where it is most noticeable first, around the hairline and partline.

In the early 2000s, I had a client tell me that she invested in (or pre-purchased) some magic pill that was going to turn her hair back to her natural color. Here we are, more than 10 years later and that technology still does not exist. I hope she got her money back.

Here are some Myths about grey hair:

  • If you pull out one grey hair more will grow in its place. - This is the most common myth, and while it isn't true we know why it is widely believed. Once you are at the age where the hair starts turning grey you will notice them popping up pretty consistently, so if you pull one out, then get more it's easy to blame it on pulling out the first one you saw.

  • Grey hair is caused by stress. - There currently aren't any scientific studies to support that stress contributes to greying hair, however, throughout our careers we have seen how highly stressful situations effect the hair and we think it can contribute to greying.

So what really causes grey hair?

Grey hair happens when your hair follicle stops or vastly slows down it's production of melanin. Melanin is our natural pigment. It is responsible for the color of our hair, skin and eyes. This is triggered by cell breakdown. Cell breakdown is affected by genetics, age, and illnesses.

Can we stop it?!

In short, not really. There aren't any science based products or procedures that will stop or reverse grey hair.

While not proven some think there are ways to prevent and slow it down.

  • Quit smoking, or don't start smoking. We know that smoking causes blood vessels to narrow and reduce the oxygen flow to skin cells which is believed to contribute to premature aging of the skin, and could also effect the hair.

  • Address vitamin deficiencies. Some believe that low levels of B-12, D-3, copper, and or iron can cause premature greying.

  • Eating an antioxidant rich diet. It can reduce oxidative stress levels and help with vitamin deficiencies.

Again NONE of these are proven to work, but they are all just general healthy life changes that can be made, so it can't hurt to try.

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