.How many times have you heard someone brag about not washing their hair. It seems over the last few years, there is status in not washing your hair for 5, 10 or even more days. The question is, is this a good idea? Let's figure it out together.
Benefits to not shampooing often:
Save time getting ready.
Natural oils help nourish the hair and scalp.
Less frizz and gives more defined natural curls or waves.
Drawback to not shampooing often:

Natural oils and products can accumulate on the scalp causing dandruff or hair loss.
Hair can look greasy and flat
Your hair can start to smell from the build up of natural oils, hair product and sweat.
People who should wash daily, or at least every other day:
People who struggle to keep dandruff under control.
People with very short very healthy hair.
People who sweat excessively on a daily or almost daily basis (hyperhidrosis or exercise).
People who love the feeling of clean hair and don't struggle with lack of time to style their hair.

If you are a daily washer, your hair can become dry and damaged with daily washing. To prevent this you will want to:
Only scrub your scalp. You don't need to scrub your hair. You hair gets cleaned as the shampoo is rinsed through.
Use a conditioner that is hydrating or repairing, we love Nourish Conditioner and Everything Conditioner.
Gently detangle your hair in the shower. Start at the ends and work your way up. Hair is very stretchy when it is wet so it is very important to work through gently.
Use a Treatment or hair mask regularly. The ends of your hair can dry out and you want to keep them happy and healthy. We love Spruced Rejuvenate Treatment.
People who should wait a few days between washes
People who struggle with dry scalp
People who wear their hair with their natural curl or wave.
People who don't have time to style their hair daily.
People who have brittle, dry, or damaged hair.

If you are going to wait days between washing, you will have more build up at the scalp. Here is how to prevent this from causing issues:
Brush your scalp before you wash. Even if you have curls and cant get through the ends just brush at the scalp to stimulate the scalp and break up any build up.
Go easy on dry shampoo. It's great to keep hair looking fresh but it can build up and dry out the scalp. So use sparingly.
Scrub your scalp. When you are in the shower you only need to worry about scrubbing your scalp. The shampoo will naturally work down the hair strand and cleanse the rest of the hair, your scalp is the only area that needs to be manually scrubbed.